Q: How do I write a resolution, and how should It look like?
A: We have attached a website that will explain and help you write a resolution; you should also look at the study guides on our study guide page for further information.
Q: What do ambassadors have to do, and what should an ambassadors speech include?
A: Ambassadors must deliver a one-minute speech at the opening ceremony, and then join their respective committee for debate. The speech should include his/her country’s political stance on a number of issues of concern.
Q Is there a dress code?
A: Yes. Delegates must be in formal attire, appropriate for a United Nations conference. Boys should be dressed in a suit, and girls have a variation of options (see the link below). Delegates who do not follow the dress code will not be permitted to attend.
Q: How can I join the Press or become a student officer?
A: You must fill in the application form, which will be available on the website before the conference. You can follow our social media page to get updated on any important deadlines for the applications.
Instagram: @csmun_gr
Q: Will I be able to access computers, and/or print at the conference?
A: Yes. In addition, you may bring a laptop or other devices. Printing will be done through the admin staff. As admin staff, you should come with 8- 10 copies of your resolution for lobbying.
Q: Will there be food at the conference? And do I have to pay for it?
A: The delegation fee covers your lunch and a snack on both days which you can exchange with the food tickets that will be given to you at the beginning of the conference. The school cafeteria will also be open for those who wish to purchase extra refreshments in addition.
Q: What are the restrictions on plagiarism?
A: It is prohibited except when referring to statutes, citing previous resolutions (with the reference indicated), or when citing protocols. Such citations must be referenced.
Q: What if I cannot come to the conference on one of the days?
A: Should such a problem arise at the last minute, you should have your adviser contact one of the organisers.