We are pleased to present to you the study guides of the 10th CSMUN conference. This year’s theme is “Ethical Dilemmas and Responsibilities”.


Disarmament and International Security Committee (GA 1)

  1. Measures to reduce paramilitary groups in Nicaragua
  2. Discussing the reinvigoration of Iran’s space program

Social, Cultural and Humanitarian Committee (GA 3)

  1. The issue of Conversion Therapy
  2. Preventing exploitation under the Kafala System

Special Political and Decolonisation Committee (GA 4)

  1. The issue of territorial claims in Luhansk and Donetsk
  2. Reviewing the political status of Puerto Rico

Legal Committee (GA6)

  1. Strengthening tribal court system
  2. Reforming the juvenile justice system


Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)

  1. Implementing measures to ameliorate societal integration in response to the influx of refugees
  2. Discussing the abolition of physical currency in a cashless society

Environmental Commission (EC)

  1. Evaluating the ethics of climate engineering
  2. Alleviating the effects of post-warfare on the environment

Session on the United Nations Charter

  1. Discussing and amending Chapter V ‘’The Security Council’’
  2. Negotiating the reformation of Chapter XIII “The Trusteeship Council” and the establishment of new trust territories

Special Conference on Ethical Dilemmas and Responsibilities

  1. Agreeing on the ethical treatment of the Prisoners of War (POW) issue in modern warfare
  2. Discussing the reformation of population control legislation

Security Council (SC)

  1. Addressing civil security in Ukraine
  2. The question of the ethnic cleansing in Rohingya

World Health Organisation (WHO)

  1. The question of using bone marrow in scientific research
  2. Ethical aspects involving the use of information technology in new surgical applications and methods

International Court of Justice (ICJ)

  • Allegations of Genocide under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Ukraine v. Russian Federation)

Youth Assembly

  1. Question on robotics ethics
  2. Question on the involvement of the younger generation in democratic processes